Graphic Designers are not Web Designers

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Is this the person who built your WordPress site? I’m in a few different Facebook groups and this was a gem I spotted. Someone who is a print designer setup WordPress (because it was easy) and now the site is hacked. It’s unfortunate for the client and unfortunate for the industry. There are soo many things a web person will know. Mostly backup the site. Daily backups, got it? Daily backups..Maybe say this a few more times.
gaming ear buds

There is soo much more to a website than just installing WordPress. Basically installing WordPress can be as simple as buying a domain. It’s situations like this that are avoidable. If the site was backedup, it could be reverted with ease. If the site were built by a web person who knew they were responsible with keeping it live and unhacked, there would have been a security and firewall in place.

Better yet your web developer is probably not out there on social media asking for help, they probably are opening up the site code, finding the exploit and figuring out how they can harden the security after it’s fixed.

No one should let just any graphic desiner setup their WordPress website.

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