Aldercreek online store and class booking

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Client Aldercreek
Details  Website
Date May 2017

Elevating Alder Creek’s Iconic Pacific Northwest Presence: A Remarkable Bounce Rate Transformation


At my agency, we excel at redesigning websites to enhance our clients’ online presence. Our latest success story revolves around the iconic Alder Creek, a Pacific Northwest institution with multiple locations offering boat rentals, year-round classes, a physical store, and a thriving e-commerce shop. Our challenge was to sync inventory across various sales channels and optimize their website for improved performance.

The Challenge: Alder Creek’s multifaceted business model presented a unique challenge, as we needed to synchronize inventory and maintain a cohesive online presence across their diverse offerings. The ultimate goal was to create a website that not only represented Alder Creek’s iconic status but also provided a seamless experience for visitors.


Our Solution: We undertook the mission of reimagining Alder Creek’s online presence, addressing the complex task of inventory synchronization and enhancing the overall user experience. Here’s how we achieved this transformation:

Key Achievements:

  1. Multichannel Inventory Sync: Our team expertly synchronized inventory management across multiple sales channels, ensuring that customers receive accurate and up-to-date information on product availability.

  2. Reducing Bounce Rate: One of the most astounding outcomes of our work was the immediate and drastic reduction in the bounce rate. Overnight, the bounce rate plummeted from over 50% to under 5% upon the site’s launch, a testament to the improved user experience.

The Results: The redesigned Alder Creek website now stands as a prime example of successfully managing a multifaceted business online. Not only is inventory synchronized seamlessly, but the site’s impressive transformation led to a remarkable reduction in bounce rates, showcasing our ability to create engaging and user-friendly online experiences.


Conclusion: This case study highlights our expertise in optimizing online presence and delivering impressive results. If you’re in search of a partner to transform your website, sync inventory across various sales channels, and drastically improve user engagement, Travis Buck is ready to help you achieve a similar success story.

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Contact us today to discuss how we can enhance your online presence and deliver remarkable results for your business.